Based on our corporate mission of “Kando Creating Company”, Yamaha Motor Group pursues “Fulfilling social responsibilities globally” as one of the management principles. In furtherance of this principle, our Parent Company Yamaha Motor Co. Ltd., Japan has signed the United Nations Global Compact that aims to eliminate corruption, and further explicitly prevents corruption in the Yamaha Motor Group Anti-Bribery Policy, the Code of Ethics, and the CSR Guidelines for Suppliers, working together with the entire supply chain of Yamaha Motor Group to combat bribery. Yamaha Motor India Group, as per the guidelines of our Parent Company, hereby establishes the Yamaha Motor India Group Anti-Bribery Policy to further promote these anti-bribery efforts on a global scale, and to contribute to the sustainable development of the countries, regions, and societies in which Yamaha Motor India Group is involved.

1. Prohibition of Bribery

Yamaha Motor India Group will not, whether directly or indirectly through third parties, engage in any bribery nor any act that may be seen as bribery with any public official (including any person equivalent to or related to a public official). Yamaha Motor India Group rejects to obtain profit from improper conducts, and when requested by any public official to provide bribery, will flatly refuse the request in accordance with the “Compliance Comes First” policy, and take appropriate measures including reporting to the relevant authorities.

2. Compliance with Anti-Bribery Laws

Yamaha Motor India Group will strive at all times to comply with any and all national and local anti-bribery laws and regulations applicable to Yamaha Motor India Group and its business activities including the Prevention of Corruption Act 1988 of India (including amendment Act 2018 thereof) and other relevant laws of similar nature.

3. Anti-Bribery Management System

Yamaha Motor India Group, in order to strengthen its anti-bribery activities, establishes and operates the Anti-Bribery Rule and its “Anti-Bribery Management System” that includes (i) the prior consultation rule that requires officers and employees to consult with a division-in-charge before providing benefits to public officials or subcontracting services to third parties that may come into contact with public officials, and (ii) the use of anti-bribery clause in designated contracts. Yamaha Motor India Group strives to continuously improve the Anti-Bribery Management System by evaluation of corrupt behaviors through the risk assessment activities, the compliance awareness surveys, and other monitoring activities conducted by the group companies.

4. Compliance System

At Yamaha Motor India Group, as part of these efforts, the Risk Management Division is appointed by the Chairman of Yamaha Motor India Group as the division-in-charge of compliance which is assisted by the Legal Department together with other officers of group companies to promote groupwide and systematic anti-bribery activities.

5. Ensuring Effectiveness

Yamaha Motor India Group conducts risk assessments and compliance awareness surveys for group companies each year to confirm the effectiveness of the compliance measures including the anti-bribery activities. Based on the results of these assessments and surveys and the social trend considerations, we periodically improve each compliance measure including the anti-bribery activities. We further ensure anti-bribery at our group companies through distribution of the Anti-Bribery Policy & Guidebook, and the anti-bribery e-learning programs, legal trainings, and HR trainings.

6. Whistle-Blowing System and Consultations

Yamaha Motor India Group maintains and operates hotlines addressing conducts of the officers and employees. The Risk Management Division is responsible for anti-bribery consultations and establishes the anti-bribery network in each division and each group company. Through these efforts, Yamaha Motor India Group aims to detect bribery concerns at an early stage and to take appropriate measures.

7. Measures Against Bribery

Upon detecting bribery concerns involving the officers and employees, Yamaha Motor India Group will promptly conduct necessary investigations, enforce disciplinary actions and other strict measures against the persons involved in accordance with the corporate rules, and take appropriate measures including reporting to the relevant authorities.

8. Business Partners

Yamaha Motor India Group asks our business partners to join efforts in preventing bribery through initiatives such as the anti-corruption measures for Dealers and Suppliers and adoption of anti-bribery clause in designated contracts. Through these efforts, the Yamaha Motor India Group and its entire supply chain join hands to combat bribery.

Established on January 1, 2021

Motofumi Shitara


Yamaha Motor India Group